

Your Loan Is Ready Whenever You Require It!


  • Flexible utilization without presentation of cost-proving documents.
  • Repayment within 12 months with option for prolongation.
  • Interest is charged on monthly basis.

Contact Our Branches for detailed information


Installment Loans

Do Not Postpone Necessary Expenditures or Investments!

Apply for an Installment Loan to easily meet the cash needs of your business, and benefit from favorable interest rates and flexible repayment plans.


  • The loan is repaid by installments.
  • A repayment plan is determined based on the needs of the business.

Contact Our Branches for detailed information


Turkish and European Funds Financing

Apply for program financing from international sources like Turk Eximbank or under current European Funds programs.


  • Support for exporters from Turkey with flexible conditions and repayment schedules Attractive interest rates

Contact Our Branches for detailed information


Letters of Guarantee

Let Ziraat Bank be Your Guarantee!

Ziraat Bank is always by your side with its trustworthy and extensive network in Turkey and around the world to ease your operations.


  • Depending on what the letter of guarantee will be used for, it may be for payment. Advance-payment bid bonds, performance bonds, for warranty servicing, for customs purposes etc.

Contact Our Branches for detailed information


Letters of Reference

Let Ziraat Bank be Your Reference!

Ziraat Bank is always by your side with its trustworthy and extensive network in Turkey and around the world to ease your operations. Letters of reference are prepared on demand on behalf of customers of our bank. It is taken into account that letters of intent are to be submitted to a specific recipient that is a respected bank or financial institution.

Contact Our Branches for detailed information


Letter of Credit

Let Ziraat Bank be your partner in payments against documents!

Contact Our Branches for detailed information